  1. datatransfer


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
eda5ed7146cTGOAL-3: updated .dep files to have correct regexSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
5cfbfe845f1removed erroneous command line parameter in help usage, updated sink test to not use so much valuesets since we are now testing against the CST instead of previous generations of cloud server/routers.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
ad52da2964fupdated .dep files accordingly.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
a9e785bc7d0updated testing module build to package dependent binary libraries into the distribution build of the testing module; updated .dep files accordingly.
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
4ca0d4e853aTGOAL-3: Updated generators to have overall try/catch blockTGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
f3c4da324f0updated Snapshot test to allow snapshot device oid dynamic assignment.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
0625d8ed907TGOAL-3: increased generator JVM memory to 6gTGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
902697e24e3TGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to build for version 2.0.2TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
3ba6b15fdcfTGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to build for version 2.0TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
5059bc205acTGOAL-3: updated connect retry methodology to have 10 connect attempts instead of just 3 to aide in test execution in the harness.TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
7d3f8a407e4DTC-7: Fixed rendering of file for CMAKE build instruction sections.DTC-7
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
f09c32f83b0TGOAL-3: Updated generator bash scripts to set a max JVM memory allocationSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
7ebbdd72b9eupdated ivy.xml for testing module to create build for 2.0.2 of data-transferSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
a9cd7705533DTC-5: removed dependencies for source configuration of dof-oal/dof-pcr since it isn't neededSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>DTC-5
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
9aa89d2a754DTC-5: added dependencies for source configuration of oalSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>DTC-5
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
f7453ba43f0DTC-5: removed dependencies for source configuration of oalSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>DTC-5
James SimisterJames Simister
4e5c05f9729DTC-6: Updated HTML files to MD format.Signed-off-by: James Simister <>DTC-6
James SimisterJames Simister
65f20a42b79DTC-5: Updated version to 2.0.2.Signed-off-by: James Simister <>DTC-5
James SimisterJames Simister
3820f4bb022DTC-5: Fixed incorrect type causing truncation of value. This could cause ValueSetDefinitions to not be correctly unmarshaled if they are larger than 256 bytes.Signed-off-by: James Simister <>DTC-5
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
24c5ff14c8bTGOAL-3: updated test generator to have correct copying of testing-common.jarTGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
117b7ea05beTGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to build for version 2.0.1Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
69bdbb00299TGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to build for version 2.0Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
39f414ee8f3TGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to correctly pull only the needed binary files to run C based binary tests.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
d91c6e4d8ccTGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to build for 2.0.1TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
f4704e5d3e2TGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to build for 2.0TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
550466a1b8dTGOAL-3: Updated all C tests to use back-off connection timer.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
6226312875dTGOAL-3: Updated all Java tests to use back-off connection timer.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
24a51da8b74TGOAL-3: Updated .dep files to correctly find new .jar filesSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
9f3974698e7TGOAL-3: Updated Generators to not limit memorySigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
9e66b6ac0bfTDTJ-2: Fixed ivy.2.0.1.xml file for build version 2.0.1 of the testing module to include sink 2.0.1, fixed .dep file for the test generators.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TDTJ-2
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
3b9c05c9388Update documentation.
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
5a4f1d2df55Resolve DTJSINK-2.Retry event ack as a flooded operation.DTJSINK-2
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
17b1d668340MMerge branch 'master' of
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
514a29446f6Fix build in src distribution.
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
8181ceedd5aTGOAL-3: Updated JVM memory allocation to be half as what it used to be, since an issue in test creation was fixed in the dtf-core librariesSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
a85422fdce0TDTJ-2: Fixed ivy.2.0.1.xml file for build version 2.0.1 of the testing module, fixed .dep file for the test generators.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TDTJ-2
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
b89e91fa0dedocs from .html to .md
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
f9b38bea3edUpdate source to use root component-build.xml
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
1ac1885303fUpdate version to 2.0.1 and added debugging to show line numbers in stack traces.
Joseph ClarkJoseph Clark
a6e830a8bd4DTJ-4 - Start source provider before requestor.DTJ-4
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
24a58ab940bTDTJ-2: Created necessary ivy.2.0.1.xml file for build version 2.0.1 of the testing module, created a new .dep file for the test generators.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TDTJ-2
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
4dfa081bbc8Added secure connectivity to AggregatorTestSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
695e714b3c8TGOAL-3: Updated generator memory allocation to be more, also updated generators to correctly find and run programsSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
72fa5dc9a63TGOAL-3: Updated generator bash scripts JVM memory usage.Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
dbe0a531b18TGOAL-3: Updated all generator bash scripts to have max heap space of 1GSigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
3867e6966b6TGOAL-3: added testing-common dependencySigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
bb09b793cceTGOAL-3: Updated generator bash scripts to limit JVM memorySigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
9ef1231d175TGOAL-3: Fixed generator bash scripts class package nameTGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
7302848dba0TGOAL-3: Updated all generators and util class to use new action dependencies APISigned-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3
Aaron MauchleyAaron Mauchley
3aae6cf75b8TGOAL-3: Updated .dep file for building 2.0.1Signed-off-by: Aaron Mauchley <>TGOAL-3